Psychic child - Up until the age of 12, I was raised by my mother. She was beautiful, intelligent, and extremely talented in so many areas. However, being a mother was not what she signed up for. She was quite the free spirit with a mission to understand her spiritual path. And with that I am thankful for the lessons that allowed me to become independent at such a young age. I was exposed to such a variety of different types of people from gurus from India, famous musicians to egocentric thugs. I started to understand the gifts I had at the early age of 5 in "knowing" if a person was genuine and honest. I had lived in 9 different homes up until the age of 12 with 2 of them heavily haunted by ghosts that were not friendly. I was 3 when we moved to the first haunted house. This was when I first remember seeing spirits. I spent most of my nights hiding under the covers so I would not have to see those on the other side. One night when I was so scared after seeing the man standing in my doorway, I tried so hard to scream but the screams were only air, then I heard this male voice, it was like an angel to me. I did not know this voice but his presence was so comforting and there was this love and protection that I had never felt before. His words were: "Gina you will always be safe in the light. When you are scared imagine that there is this bright light above you, like a light bulb, see yourself sitting right below this bright light and know that when ever you are afraid, you are protected here". I will always remember his message; Eventually I stopped being afraid. It wasn't until I was 17 yrs old when I heard that voice again just before flipping my convertible sports car off a bridge.
Alone in the world with learning differences - While in the 8th grade, I started to realize that my reading difficulties were not going to go away and I was not normal. I just wasn't able to read like everyone else. I always tested well, especially with multiple choice. Years later I would have the understanding that I was a un diagnosed child of dyslexia gifted with an intuitive nature to the point where I could pass tests with my psychic abilities. While driving on a wet country road with my roommate, Darla (in photo), I lost control of my convertible sports car and was just about to flip off a bridge, when I heard that calm loving voice again, he told me to hold onto the bottom of my seat, lean and squat down to my right, and everything will be okay. Time stood still in that moment and it was like a series of flashes happened. How did I hear the voice and do exactly as he said within a 100th of a second? He also took away all my fear within that moment. My roommate was ejected out of the car before flipping off the bridge. Neither of us had our seatbelts on which was a blessing for both of us. My car landed upside down at the bottom of a dry creek bed. Had I not done what he said, I would have been decapitated. Had either of us had our seatbelts on, we would have been killed. My roommate was found with only scratches on her back 30 yards away. My car was totaled and I too walked away with minor injuries. Sadly, I lost contact with Darla at the age of eighteen. During years of searching for her I wasn't able to find her until she came to me on the other side. Mediumship is a calling - As an adult I spent many years focused on living a so-called normal life while raising 3 wonderful kids. After hearing this voice advising me to leave a unloving difficult marriage and be the person you were meant to be, I got a divorce and my life was saved and I was growing so fast I couldn't keep up with all the gifts placed in my path. I had 3 simultaneous special gifts from 3 spirits on the other side. One was a best friend that sadly passed unexpected, one was my future father-in-law whom I had never met, and one was from a beautiful 16 year girl that was on nation news as a missing teen. My best friend came to me the night after she passed and showed me where she was, why she passed and how absolutely beautiful it is on the other side. She also had messages for her children that she asks me to share and oh how healing they are for them, and what a gift it is to share with loved ones. My father-in-law came to me the day I had planned on leaving my boy friend because of fear of being hurt and wanting a solid commitment. Well, he shared word for word what my currant husband would say, told me we were suppose to be together and I would nthe for showing me my mediumship gift I knew I needed to go back to my spiritual path and once I got married to my amazingly wonderful husband. The 16 year old missing girl, well this was the first anonymous letter that I sent to the law enforcement and her mother. At the time, she was only missing but the information that I received was very sad My path, my passion and my PURPOSE |